吸水防滑招財貓狗地毯 Water Resistant & Non Slip Come Come Cats & Dogs Mat
免打孔寵物伸縮門欄(中碼) Pets expandable fence (M) (No need to punch)
2023-08-26扮演醫生(女)手術套裝 (成人)Cosplay Surgeon (Female) uniform (For adult)
$280.00 $120.00
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Material 物料:Cotton mixed with Linen 綿麻
Size 尺碼:please see the attached photo 請參考附圖
Color顏色: Green/blue/purple 藍色/綠色/紫色
** For hygienic reasons, this item cannot be refunded nor exchanged.
** Recommend to measure thoroughly choose one size bigger to avoid shrinkage after washing.
- 建議購買前量度清楚和為免衣物洗後縮水最好應選擇大一碼。
** Hand wash and wash separately to avoid color fading