PVC網狀公文袋(3 pcs) PVC mesh document folder (3 pcs)
15架整理手飾膠盒(分格可拆開)15 racks plastic jewellery box (separations can be re-arranged)
2023-08-26升級版酒精液體噴霧裝瓶(送1只漏咗斗) Premium spray bottle for alcohol and liquid (1 free funnel)
$38.00 $12.00
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分類: 12元專區($12 Zone)
Item No. 貨號: 12010
納米細霧 nano spray
攜帶方便 Easy Carry
物料Material : PET 6
容量 volume:100 ml
顔色 Color: 透明 Clear or 粉红色 Pink