小童畢業禮套裝 Gradulation Outfit for kids
小童聖誕老人服飾 (3-13歲) Santa Claus costume for kids (For Aged 3-13)
2023-08-26兒童手術醫生服(3-13歲)Surgeon costume (Aged 3-13)
$280.00 $120.00
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Age 適合年齡:3+
Material 材料: Polyester Fibre 聚酯纖維
Size 尺碼:
Height 身高 100cm/110cm/120cm/130cm/140cm/150cm/160cm/170cm/180cm
This set includes Top/Long Pants/Hat & face mask (4 pieces)
此套裝包括 上衣/長褲/帽/口罩
** For hygienic reasons, this item cannot be refunded nor exchanged.
** Recommend to measure thoroughly choose one size bigger to avoid shrinkage after washing.
- 建議購買前量度清楚和為免衣物洗後縮水最好應選擇大一碼。
** For hygienic reasons, this item cannot be refunded nor exchanged.
** Recommend to measure thoroughly choose one size bigger to avoid shrinkage after washing.
- 建議購買前量度清楚和為免衣物洗後縮水最好應選擇大一碼。